Join the PADI IDC Indonesia with multi Award Winning Platinum PADI Course Director Holly Macleod and develop a very rewarding and successful career within the diving industry.

The dive site setup workshops are designed to give instructors
an insight on how to best use a training site for various programs. This
component of the course is closely linked with student control and how an instructor
can use a training site to have the ultimate control over their own students.

CESA Workshops are also arranged during the program and
prepare students to be in full control during the Controlled Emergency Swimming
Assent which is one of the most important and challenging skills during entry
level diving.

Again the CESA workshop is closely linked to dive site setup
and student control, but this time the student is moving vertically. During
workshops various techniques are introduced to allow the Instructor candidate
have the perfect control of their future students.
In fact Holly Macleod is consistently developing new
training techniques to pass onto her candidates and developing these techniques
into workshop type exercises. The program is offered every month and benefits
from the extensive experience of Multi Award Winning Platinum PADI Course
Director Holly Macleod who conducts the entire program. Holly, having extensive
experience working in a various dive related jobs in multitude of international
diving destinations is perfectly place to offer new instructors the post IDC
support when looking at particular job opening in worldwide destinations.
More information can be found on the PADI IDC Indonesia Online Website or within the Gili Islands PADI IDC Brochure. To see
real life reviews from the program check out the PADI IDC Indonesia TripAdvisor Reviews.